Photographic Arts Council presents: Virtual Talk with Matías Sauter Morera
August 29, 3:00 PM PST
Join HSC&A on Zoom on August 29th at 3:00 PM PST for Photographic Arts Council’s Virtual Talk with the talented Matías Sauter Morera, co-hosted by PAC and Hannah Sloan.
Matías will take us through his most recent body of work which explores important notions of identity through photography. In his current project, Pegamachos, the artist uses AI to generate images that reimagine gay culture in Costa Rica while providing a platform for conversations about previously censored queer history. We will discuss the trajectory from traditional photography to artificial intelligence and how visual storytelling can be a powerful tool for connecting people.
Matías Sauter Morera is now exclusively represented on the West Coast by Craig Krull Gallery, with his first solo show featuring work from the Pegamachos series coming in Spring 2025.